A “Great Light”, upon reading “A Great Light” I was immediately reminded of the time during meditation that a great light appeared could this be the “Light” they are referring to for context I had gotten my pain to completely disappear by accepting and loving myself and realized the pain intensified when trying to ignore it.
So, I decided to try opposite emotion to get rid of it since fear of the pain because it was constant, intensified.
When trying to ignore it so I decided to try the opposite emotion to get rid of it since the fear of the pain because it was constant intensified it.
Once I did the pain completely disappeared. I had this bright light flash in my mind followed by pure joy upon finishing the meditation I noticed things around me appeared to be brighter suddenly as if you could see the light emanating from everything.
I thought was this enlightenment, no.
You can’t stay in that state constantly, can you?
Is it getting to that state repeatedly through meditation how you start towards enlightenment or when you can be in that state all the time?
If it’s not enlightenment, then what “great light” is being talked about?
Could it be always going from your heart and being a light to help others.
Would that be why people say ‘your light’ can help strengthen the light in others by pulling them out of their own darkness.
Surely if we can share that light with others, we can begin to understand what’s being said because when becoming enlightened wouldn’t you need to be one who can do both have the light come to them during meditation and being a light for others.
Or is the great light referring to what some refer to as light referring to good and darkness the opposite.
So surely if you start sharing the compassion you find for yourself with others and teach them how to find and share their light then is this the ‘light’ that’s referred to so that one can achieve enlightenment does any living human truly know what it is to become enlightened or is that something we assume to know the true meaning of?
Either way being a great light to yourself, and others can start helping the light to spread.
A great light shine from everything if you know how to look is that what is being referred to do we know what great light is meant from this koan in looking for the light in everything you begin seeing the good in everything?
~Peggy Louise Jones ~