V.A.C. Roundtable #58, Justin Strekel Better Organizing to Win Legalization PAC A fascinating discussion about activism at the local, state, and federal level. Justin has years of experience in Washington, D.C., and shares his knowledge with us. We discuss the brass tacks of what is needed and ideas and suggestions on how to go about accomplishing them. Justin’s Bio: Justin Strekal is an experienced organizer and advocate with wide-ranging policy reform expertise on issues such as marijuana, campaign finance, tax, and wage fairness. He currently runs Better Organizing to Win Legalization / BOWL PAC to bring together political actors of all stripes to unite for comprehensive marijuana policy reform at the federal level. He is additionally a partner at the firms Useful Strategies and Unfiltered Media. From 2016-2021, Justin was the federal lobbyist for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), the nation’s largest and longest-running marijuana advocacy group. Prior to joining NORML, Justin served as a legislative aide in the Virginia State Senate, where he drafted the first marijuana reform legislation introduced in the chamber, a precursor to the Commonwealth legalizing marijuana in 2021. In addition to his policy reform efforts, Justin has more than a decade of electoral campaign experience, managing federal, state, and local races across the country.