The following information is my interpretation of symbols and how I came to see them as meaning as such. In other words, this article is an opinion and nothing more.
If you have information to add to or confirm my findings,
please feel free to join our Facebook Group: VETS COMING CLEAN.
Tara is found in Buddhist studies and it’s the White Tara that is said to have seven eyes to symbolize her compassionate vigilance and seeing the suffering of the world.

Eyes in the Feet –
How can the feet have eyes that see you ask?
When walking barefoot outside she can see everything that her feet touch has seen. Past, Future, and present everything that her feet touch is interconnected like a vast network visualize a spiderweb stretching out for eternity. Thus, the land she walks on has seen much suffering and strife as well as love and joy.
Eye in the Hands –
Eyes in the hands not possible? It is very possible.
Just as whatever the feet touched; they could see all so could the hands. The secret about me is why I prefer hugging. When shaking hands with someone you can see who they truly are and there is no hiding it. So, each and everything she touched she could see through to what truly was, no boundaries stopped her.
Eyes to see with –
The eyes we use daily to see with and everyone is aware of seems self-explanatory, however they can be the most deceiving eyes to look with. Think about it and ask any police officer why they request so many eyewitness statements. This is because everyone sees things differently based on their beliefs and perceptions at the time of an incident and the only true way to have a complete overview of the situation is to get as many testimonies as possible so that things are clearly seen by all.
In Conclusion –
All 7 eyes together can see the suffering of the world and because of this she is able to have compassionate vigilance. Looking at the bigger picture and seeing how suffering begets more suffering and people are only reacting everywhere instead of stopping, thinking, and then responding. Thus, the suffering continues to spread like wildfire across the vast spiderweb of interconnectedness.
We have all become so disconnected from the earth with the rubber soles on the shoes we wear that we can’t see or hear what our planet has been trying to tell us for years.
That we are causing her to suffer.
That we are causing her children all the plants and wildlife to suffer.
That we are slowly poisoning not just her and her children but ourselves as well.
We never had the right to eradicate natural plant medicine from this planet because all of creation on this planet uses it as either a source of food or medicine.
It’s also no surprise that the climate is getting worse because we are poisoning the planet with synthetic chemicals we create. Then it must adjust and change to break those chemicals down so that it doesn’t kill all life on this planet.
It’s time we all wake up and look at the bigger picture through the Seven Eyes of Tara. Want to know how to research for yourself on how psychometry works. You’ll be amazed at what you can learn about items and people around you when utilizing it.
~ Peggy Louise Jones ~